Monday, October 31, 2011

Hong Kong Architecture

I have been exploring Hong Kong for many months trying to capture the diversity in the architecture. My focus was initially to capture the colorful government housing projects, but once I got started and kept exploring I couldn't but help and be impressed by the variety of architecture and infrastructure. Here is the first set in a series of 10 that tries to capture the overall feel and uniqueness of Hong Kong.

From Above

Came back at night to capture looking up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Photo For the Neighborhood

It is rare that I get a chance to see the pictures that I put up on a daily basis. This picture was an exception.The man who owns this print shop said I could put up a photo if I bought him 2 beers. I came back with 12 and he insisted on me drinking a few with him.

Over the next few weeks I frequented this location and was able to witness how the community reacted to the photograph, how it became an everyday part of people's lives and how it eventually began to blend in with everyone's daily routines.

The photograph was taken from a garbage dump south of Manila. I watched as the people frantically chased after a fresh load of garbage the minute it was dumped, hoping to find something that they could collect to try and make enough money to eat. The teenager that I photographed stood out because of his haunting eyes that seem to focus intensely on the camera and his white Kevin Garnett jersey that seemed to glow and stand out from the colorful piles of trash.

People in Poverty
The slums offer little to no hope for the children who are forced to grow up in them. This child collects anything that may be of value from the garbage that is sent from the city to this garbage dump located south of Manila. On an average day, this child will make around 90 pesos ($16 HKD, $2 USD)


Old and young passed by, many of them with a keen interest in what was going on.

This guy just couldn't really grasp the concept but was eager and enthusiastic to learn more about what was going on in the photograph.

Different days, different chairs.

I got bored of being inside during a typhoon day, so I went down the street, the guy asked if I had another one I could put up and here it is...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Best of Paste

I came to Asia with the goal of putting up 70 kg worth of photos. That goal has been accomplished and I feel like its just the beginning. Here are some of the highlights of the past half year. A huge thank you to everyone who made this goal a reality.

Original Photo: Garbage Dump, Manila
Pasted Photo: Hong Kong

Original Photo: Outlook, Saskatchewan
Pasted Photo: Manila

Original Photograph: Luang Prabang, Laos
Pasted Photo: Taal, Philippines

Original Photos: All over the World
Pasted Photo: Rolling Across North America

Original Photo: Yangon, Burma
Pasted Photo: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Original Photo: Inle Lake, Burma
Pasted Photo: Hong Kong

Original Photo: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Pasted Photo: Beijing

Original Photo: NYC
Pasted Photo: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Original Photograph: Saskatoon, Sask
Pasted Photograph: Beijing

Original Photograph: La Ronge, Saskatchewan
Pasted Photograph: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Original and Pasted Photo: Kaohsiung, Taiwan (7 years later)

Original Photo: Havanna, Cuba
Pasted Photo: Taal, Manila

Original Photograph: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Pasted Photograph: Manila

Original Photograph: Langham, Saskatchewan
Pasted Photograph: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Original Photograph: Saskatchewan
Pasted Photograph: Manila

Original Photo: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Pasted Photo: Manila

Original and Pasted Photo: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Original Photograph: Yazd, Iran
Pasted Photograph: Hong Kong

Original Photo: Esfahan, Iran
Pasted Photo: Times Square, Hong Kong

Original Photograph: Compton, CA
Pasted Photo: Manila

Original Photo: Inle Lake, Burma
Pasted Photograph: Beijing

Original Photograph: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Pasted Photograph: The Great Wall, Beijing

Original Photograph: All Over
Pasted Photograph: Manila

Original Photograph: Langham, Saskatchewan
Pasted Photograph: Manila

Original Photograph: Inle Lake, Burma
Pasted Photo: Hong Kong