Saturday, August 6, 2011

People in Poverty: Series 2/3

The second set of photos from Hong Kong

People in Poverty
The majority of the youth in Manila have little programs or activities that promote creativity and many other essential skills. Most of the children living in or around the streets are apart of large families that are also stricken by poverty. With this being their reality, many of them turn to violence with the hope of helping their family into a better situation.

Photograph: 10/30

At 12 years old, Jamaica is the oldest of 5 children and frequently misses school to help provide income for her family. Like her mother Banji, Jamaica also sweeps the filthy Manila streets for 90 pesos a day ($16 HKD, $2 USD). As she grows older the pressures to make income for her aging parents and siblings will inevitably force Jamaica from her dreams of completing school and propel her back into the streets to make money.


Photograph: 22/30

The slums offer little to no hope for the children who are forced to grow up in them. This child collects anything that may be of value from the garbage that is sent from the city to this garbage dump located south of Manila. On an average day, this child will make around 90 pesos ($16 HKD, $2 USD)


People in Poverty

These very talented adolescents practice their latest gymnastic moves. They vaulted through the air, tumble on the ground and move tenderly across the plastic that supports their moves. This gymnastic stadium also doubles as a plastic garbage dump. The children who practice here someday hope to use their moves to show off to a larger audience and more importantly earn income off of these back flips to buy their family a home.


Photograph: 8/30

People in Poverty


The average family in the Philippines consists of 6 people. Without sex education being taught in schools and no contraceptive methods promoted to the public, this produces situations such as this photo. A 12 year old boy must take care of the family who’s home is under a bridge while the parents try and make ends meat for the day. This particular family’s income was less than 150 pesos ($ 3.50 USD, $ 27 HKD) a day combined.

菲律賓的家庭平均人口為六人。學校沒有教授性教育及政府沒有宣傳避孕法,因而引致圖中的場景。12歲的小男孩要照顧家庭,他父母賺的僅足糊口,一家活在橋下,全家一天的收入只有150 披索(約3.5元美金,27港元)。

Photograph: 1/30

This is Jonny. He is a taxi driver and lives in a slum located on Roxas Blvd in Manila. He makes up to 1,000 Pesos a day ($180 HKD, $23 USD). Many of the taxi drivers work 24-hour shifts and some rely on Shaboo, or Meth to keep them awake during this period. Jonny doesn’t use meth but admits that driving a taxi is a very demanding job and has become increasingly hard to make money as gas prices jump.


這是Jonny.他是一位住在馬尼拉Roxas Blvd的的士司機.他一日賺1,000皮索, (港幣$180).很多的士司機開24工, 部分依賴藥物,甚至興奮劑來提神.Jonny沒有用藥,但是他承認,當司機相當吃力,而且燃油價格飛漲,令他更難謀生.

Photograph: 13/30

With few prospects for families looking to get out of the diar situations they face, many turn to each other for help. This small residence along the train tracks south of Manila housed 10 people. 3 families combined lived there, with no running water or a reliable source of electricity many were forced to make a long commute to obtain their daily necessities.


Photograph: 28/30

The Philippines are heavily Catholic nation, which leaves little room for other religions to be accepted. The majority of Muslims are segregated into the Southern Island of Mindanao or if they come to Manila, the majority of them live in Maharlaka. This woman explained that she faced much discrimination and was unable to find a job in the city because of her beliefs.


Photograph: 24/30

Filipino rapper Charlie “Nasty” Mack is one of the lucky ones who’s hard work and talent has paid off and he is able to make somewhat of a living off of his art. Charlie grew in up in a rough neighborhood south of Manila and because of his talents was able to move his family to a safer government project. Charlie provides hope to many young Filipinos who have very few positive male role models to look up to.

菲律賓籍說唱藝人-查理「Nasty Mack」-算是比較幸運的一個。憑著自身的努力和天份,他能以自己的才藝謀生。查理在馬尼拉南部一個貧苦的社區成長,他的才華使他的家人得以搬離舊居,改為在政府規劃的社區裡生活。查理的故事為許多年輕的菲律賓人帶來希望,更成為他們僅有的正直男性典範之一。

Photograph: 26/30

These young men were tending to their pigeons that they raise to race with others. They also use the pigeons as a means of transporting drugs, specifically Shaboo, or Meth across the city and into different neighbourhoods. With poverty running rampant across Manila, many people turn to drugs such as Meth to help them escape the harsh realities of everyday life.


Photograph: 25/30

1 comment:

  1. 你真的會中文哦?I saw your photo and the article about your on u of s website. very amazing!
