Friday, August 10, 2012

Manila: The Garbage Dump Cemetery

Following these flags through the maze of streets in Manila leads to a cemetery that is surrounded by a garbage dump and is home to hundreds of people. 

Practicing the MJ fadeaway. Joined the boys for a game of ball. Had to be careful of the fresh garbage that defined the out of bounds are to the court. It also helped me establish a friendship with a guy who promised to give the full tour of this place. 

I was warned about this guy; local stick up dude who is pretty notorious round these parts.  And if the eyes are any indicator, sobriety at 10 am is of no real importance. 

Rows of tombs

Overview of the cemetery with the dump to the left.

Shout out to the locals who helped me paste a photo up on the wall. 

A huge thanks to my tour guide an local butcher. 

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