Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Women: Strong and Confident 3/3

Here is the final set of pics from the series. Thanks to everyone who has helped out along the way. This set like the other 2 is dedicated to my mom. Thank you for everything!

Here is the full series of pics.

Original Photograph: Inle Lake, Burma
Pasted Photo: Sheung Wan

This farmer takes a break from her long hours in the fields to pose for a photograph. Her
gentle gaze hides the intensity that burns inside her that drives her to work hard to give her
family a better life. She works long, laborious hours in the fields just for her family to eat.
Many Burmese hope one day that their children will no longer have to deal with the
murderous Junta that has ruled Burma for decades.
这个农妇为拍照小息片刻。 她温柔的目光掩盖了她 那为了养家糊口的紧迫感。 她每天用辛勤的劳动来换取家人的食物。许多缅甸希望有一天,他们的孩子将不再在几十年来统治缅甸的煞气腾腾的军政府脚下苟且偷生。


Original Photo: Sapa, Vietnam
Pasted Photo: Sai Ying Pun

This woman spends her days taking care of her daughter while managing the families plot
of land high up on the mountain terraces of Northern Vietnam. She keeps her daughter
close by to teach her what her mother taught her; how to tend to the crops and ensure that
her family is well fed and is able to make enough money to survive.

Original Photograph: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Pasted Photo: SOHO

A bright and explosive smile reveals the joy of the daily catch off of Cijin Island, Kaohsiung.
In an industry that is mostly dominated by males, this woman shows off her fishing skills as
well as her welcoming personality.

Like the photo and asked for a photo to be taken of her and pasted in a different country

Scouted this location a few months back and really wanted to throw something up there.

Original Photograph: Havana, Cuba
Pasted Photo: Wah Fu
With a fresh load of food rations given to her from the Cuban government this single
mother of three works hard to provide food, education and a positive future for her children
to succeed.

Decided to hang around across the street in a housing project for some photos. It took maybe a half hour for security to get on the scene. It took them another half hour just to walk to the photograph. But in the end it was ripped off.

Original Photograph: Manila, Philippines
Pasted Photograph: Sheung Wan

As a Muslim living inside a Catholic dominated country with people who are very devoted
to their faith, it is difficult for one to remain strong and confident when the odds to succeed
are heavily set against you. Many Muslims are segregated into a single district in Manila.
This woman expressed her frustrations of being marginalized, but remained rather positive
about the outlook of her future in the Philippines.
作为一个生活在天主教国家的穆斯林, 被虔诚的天主教教徒们包围着, 成功的几率几乎是零。许多穆斯林都隔离在特定区域。 虽然被边缘化使这名妇女表示沮丧,但她仍相当积极地憧憬她在菲律宾的未来前景。
This series of photographs is dedicated to my mother who embodies many of the positive
traits these women display in the photographs.

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